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- WATCH LIVE | gracefellowhsip
WATCH LIVE If you're unable to join us in-person on a Sunday morning, you can join us online, in real-time or any time after our 2nd service goes live. Sundays at 11:00 am Let's do this! WATCH LATER Ok, so you had to miss on Sunday...have no fear! You can go back and watch our Sunday morning worship services in the Archives. Where Do We Go From Here? Part 34 | Pastor Doug Spriggs | Grace Fellowship Play Video Grace Fellowship LIVE Worship Service | January 5th, 2025 Play Video Grace Fellowship LIVE Worship Service | December 29th, 2024 Play Video Christmas Eve Service | 6PM | December 24th, 2024 Play Video Grace Fellowship LIVE Worship Service | December 22nd, 2024 Play Video This Is Awkward: Money (Part 2) | Pastor Doug Spriggs | Grace Fellowship Play Video Grace Fellowship LIVE Worship Service | December 15th, 2024 Play Video This Is Awkward: Money (Part 1) | Pastor Doug Spriggs | Grace Fellowship Play Video Grace Fellowship | Duarte, CA Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Close
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
Around The Web Facebook - /gracefellowshipduarte Stay up-to-date with all that's going on at Grace Fellowship. Head on over to our facebook and "like" our page. Instagram - @gracefellowshipduarte Everyone once in a while we'll post something exclusively to Instagram, so you'll want to follow us there. too. Twitter - @GFChurchDuarte Twitter is yet another avenue for exclusive content. If you're on twitter. You've got to follow us. YouTube - /GraceFellowshipDotCom More and more we are using Video as a means to connect and give a picture as to what life is like here at Grace Fellowship GF Sports Facebook - /GFSports Our Grace Fellowship Sports Ministry has there own facebook page. Here you can view photos and videos, as well as get updates on the schedule changes and game outcomes. Facebook Feed
- RESOURCES | gracefellowhsip
These tools are provided by Grace Fellowship in order to help you live a life that is honoring to God. These tools can help you grow in your walk with the Lord and can help you in your daily life. These tools can even help you fellowship and have community with others here at Grace Fellowship. THE church center app The Church Center App is an app that will allow you to connect with Grace Fellowship, give instantly, find groups and bible studies and register for events. You can also maintain and update your personal information so that we always have your most current info. right now media EQUIP FAMILIES | RESOURCE GROUPS | DEVELOP LEADERS. "RightNow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies" 10,000+ Bible Study Videos. Instantly stream biblical teaching to your home TV, computer or your mobile device. Best of all...it's gree! We're footing the bill for you! CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP! (IT'S FREE!) GRACE FELLOWSHIP | FAMILY Our Grace Fellowship | Family group on Facebook was implemented in hopes of creating an online community where members regular attendees of Grace Fellowship can interact, support and connect with one another in various ways. facebook.com/groups/GraceFellowshipFamily RESOURCES Check out these tools to help with your daily walk. church center app rightnow media Grace Fellowship | Family
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
COMMUNITY SERVICE S We have compiled a list of community services that may help you. Please click on the link below to get information on groups, agencies and organziations in the local community. CLICK HERE FOR A DIRECTORY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT STAFF WHAT TO EXPECT THE BIBLE We believe that the Bible is the word of God, supernaturally inspired, so that it is inerrant in the original manuscripts and preserved by God in its verbal, complete inspiration, so that it is the divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life. THE TRINITY We believe that the Godhead exists eternally in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and that these three are one God. THE CREATOR We believe in God as absolute and sole creator of the universe, and that creation was by divine fiat. Man is created in the likeness of God, apart from any evolutionary process. HE CAME We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to save sinners. All people are sinners who fall short of the glory of God. HE LIVES We believe that Jesus Christ, in the flesh, was both God and man, that He was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life, in which He taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as revealed in the four Gospels, that He was crucified, died as a penalty for our sins and was raised from the dead, bodily, on the third day. Later, He ascended to the Father's right hand where He is head of the church and intercedes for believers, and from whence He is coming again personally, bodily, visibly to this earth to set up His millennial kingdom. HE SAVED We believe that since His death, by His shed blood, the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfect atonement for sin, redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us - men are saved, justified, on the simple and single ground of the shed blood. SALVATION We believe that such salvation with its forgiveness of sins, its impartation of a new nature and its hope of eternal life is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership or man's effort and is of pure grace. SECURITY We believe that a true believer is eternally secure and that he cannot lose his salvation, but that sin may interrupt the joy of his fellowship with God and bring the loving discipline of his Heavenly Father. HEAVEN We believe that all who receive Christ become joint heirs with Christ and at death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the rapture their bodies will be raised to the likeness of the body of His glory and dwell forever in His divine presence. SPIRITUAL GROWTH We believe that it is the goal of every Christian to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and the indwelling Spirit, as evidenced by the Lordship of Jesus Christ. HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, is God, and possesses all the divine attributes. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals all believers at the moment of their salvation, and fills them in response to confession of sin and yieldedness. Click Here to read our Mission Statement
- Pastor Appreciation Month | Grace Fellowship | Pastor Doug & Pastor Ricky
PASTOR DOUG CLICK TO GIVE TOWARD PASTOR DOUG'S GIFT Thank you for considering a monetary gift for Pastor Doug for Pastor Appreciation. Use the link above to give your gifts online. The money will be presented in a lump sum to each at the end of the month.
- Grace Fellowship | Youth Ministry - High School & Junior High
Life is all about relationships! Friends. Family. Teachers. Employers. Oh, and don’t forget about your relationship with God! It’s true that as teenagers, we are in the process of becoming who we will one day be. But, at the same time, we already are who we are. We have hopes, dreams, plans and challenges that affect our lives right now! We are not just the future: We are the present too! That’s why we are building the relationships that matter the most and we’re having a blast doing it. Questions? youth@graceduarte.com Youth MINISTRY (JR. HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL) WHAT WE DO YOUTH MINISTRY info Check out the Church Center app, or email us at office @graceduarte.com for more information on everything YOUTH Online Youth Meetings Enjoy this Holiday season! Contact us at office@graceduarte.com for any questions about what we are planning for Youth 2025. Special Events What would a youth group be without trips to the beach, amusement parks and other fun, extracurricular events? After all, one of our favorite things to do together is have a good time! EVENTS CALENDAR
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT LEADERSHIP Our mission is to glorify God by continually striving to present every person complete in Christ through introducing people to Jesus, growing toward Christian maturity, developing as ministers, and mobilizing for local and world missions.
- Grace Fellowship | Kids
VBS 2024 Calling all K-6th Graders! You are invited to join us in our Journey through the Jungle and the Bible every evening from June 24th-28th! Sign Up Now KIDS CHECK-INS HERE ARE SOME WAYS TO HELP SPEED UP THE PROCESS OF CHECKING IN YOUR CHILD FOR YOUR FIRST VISIT. We use a check-in system as an added security measure when your kids arrive on Sundays, or at any event. If you'd like to speed up that process, feel free to fill out this form so that your household is set up ahead of time (be sure to add your children to your household and include their grades and birthdates). Then download the Church Center App so that you can easily check them in when you arrive. The Church Center App is also a great way to keep up with what's going on at Grace Fellowship. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” MATTHEW 19:14 CHILDREN'S MINISTRY It has been said, “It takes a village to raise a child”. At Grace Fellowship, we think the best kind of “village” for a child consists of a healthy family and a healthy church. Our Kids Ministry is filled with loving teens and adults who are happy to come alongside parents as they invest in helping their children become all that God created them to be. No matter their age, we think children need to be nurtured and loved as they are pointed to the One who is the very definition of love: God Himself. Questions? kids@graceduarte.com WHAT WE DO KIDS CONNECTION (4 YEARS OLD THRU 6TH GRADE) Sunday Mornings | 10:00 am Each Sunday, in each service, after the music, kids are dismissed to our Sunday morning kids program: Kid’s Connection. Upon arrival, you'll be able to check-in your children on the concourse. Your first time, they may need to be registered, but then after that it's quick and easy. Each week we balance a variation of fun, crafts, games, videos and music to teach our kids about Jesus and help them connect with each other, with our leaders and with their creator. Kids can be picked up and signed out after each service from the Kid's Connection room on the west side of the building. NURSERY (NEWBORN THRU 3 YEARS OLD) For the little guys, we have our Nursery which is available before and through each service. You can drop them off at any time once you arrive. Then you can pick them up and check them out after the service. Our awesome nursery workers will take great care and love on them during the service so that you can have peace of mind as you worship in the service. Special Events In addition to our Sunday morning program, we like to plan special events throughout the year as another way to connect with the kids. From Summer Programs to Movie’s on the Lawn to water obstacle courses. We want your kids to associate “church” with having fun and connecting with friends. Check out our events page to see what might be coming up.
- Grace Fellowship | Senior Ministry
In some ways, the senior years can be really challenging. We have problems we didn’t have before. We face challenges that are new to us. But we also have opportunities that we never had before. The wisdom, knowledge, and experience of our seniors is at the foundation of who we are as a church. Grace Seniors are changing the world by investing in others. We serve each other, serve our families and serve our community. It’s a privilege because we know that in the end, we are really serving God. Questions? seniors@graceduarte.com SENIOR MINISTRY WHAT WE DO SPECIAL EVENTS If you’re at the stage in life where you’re able to take advantage of “senior discounts” around town, then this group is for you! Our Senior Ministry is turning out to be one of the most fun ministries at Grace Fellowship! From holiday parties to group outings to community events and special events here at Grace Fellowship. There’s always something going on and/or something on the horizon. Christian World View Class | Saturdays 10AM - 11:30AM January 11th - February 15th we are holding a 6 week class on Christian World View for all adults. (Child care will be provided for those who attend) RELATIONSHIP We believe that all of ministry should be done through relationships. So, we encourage everyone to get involved by volunteering, joining a Grace Group and attending Senior events so that you can start building relationships with others. We believe that God uses these relationships to strengthen the body of Christ and build the church. INDIVIDUAL NEEDS If you have a need and you need some help please don't hesitate to contact us. We have several people that would love to help with many different needs. Whether you need a ride to a Doctor's Appointment or something fixed or moved around the house, we'd love to help! We can't meet every need, but we can definitely get practical when it comes to ministering in our community.
- Grace Fellowship Church | LEADERSHIP
WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT LEADERSHIP DOUG SPRIGGS Senior Pastor | Elder doug@graceduarte.com Contact us Contact us Contact us STAFF: office@graceduarte.com PASTORS: pastors@graceduarte.com FRITZ FIDEL Elder DAVID MARLEY Elder SCOTT SMALL Elder NICK BURNS Worship Arts Director GARRET SPRIGGS Ministry Director garret @graceduarte.com BECKI SHEARER Connections JORDAN RITCHIE TECH DIRECTOR VALERIE WHITCHER YOUTH LEADER MERARY PASCUAL KIDS & FAMILY MINISTRIES CHUCK FRYE Facilities ED BALDWIN Seniors PAULA WIGHTMAN Nursery Director