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- Grace Fellowship | Online & In-Person
A Christian Church in Duarte, CA. We meet Online and In-Person every Sunday morning at 10AM. We "do life together" throughout the week. Welcome Blood Drive OUR MISSION Service Information LA Fire Resources Watch Live ONLINE RESOURCES Welcome LA Fire Resources LA Fire Relief Are you in need? NEED HELP American Red Cross (Disaster Relief) Samaritan's Purse (Wildfire Relief) Donations: Where to pick up items: Fire and Windstorm Resources (Locations and Info) IN-PERSON & ONLINE EVERY SUNDAY MORNING WE GATHER AS A CHURCH FAMILY TO WORSHIP ON CAMPUS. Y OU CAN ALSO JOIN US ONLINE LIVE OR ANY TIME AFTER OUR 11AM SERVICE. THE NURSERY OPENS AT 9:00 AM AND THE KIDS WILL BE DISMISSED TO THEIR CLASS RIGHT AFTER THE MUSIC DURING EACH SERVICE. TWO SERVICE TIMES EVERY SUNDAY IN PERSON 9:15AM & 11AM LIVE ONLINE SUNDAYS AT 11AM PRAYER & PRAISE PAST SERVICES ONLINE GIVING NEW AROUND HERE? CONNECT CARD OR EMAIL US AT CONNECT@GRACEDUARTE.COM WATCH ON YOUTUBE WATCH LIVE! YOUTUBE CHANNEL RESOURCES right now media "RightNow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies" 10,000+ Bible Study Videos. Instantly stream biblical teaching to your home TV, computer or your mobile device. Best of all...it's FREE! We're footing the bill for you! CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP! (IT'S FREE!) GRACE FELLOWSHIP | FAMILY Stay engaged with your church family by joining our closed Facebook Group. Here we can connect with each other, comment on each other's posts and keep each other up to date with what's going on in our lives and our community. facebook.com/groups/GraceFellowshipFamily WORSHIP AT HOME | PLAYLIST A great way to keep your focus on The Lord in this season and maintain the right perspective is to keep the Worship Music going in your home! Rejoice through the good and the bad and give him Glory! Here's a playlist we put together to help with that. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN AND FOLLOW! ONLINE RESOURCES Watch Live Service Information Grace Fellowship + American Red Cross March 11th (10AM-4PM) Blood Drive BLOOD DRIVE MORE INFO OUR MISSION OUR MISSION Our mission is to glorify God by continually striving to present every person complete in Christ through introducing people to Jesus, growing toward Christian maturity, developing as ministers, and mobilizing for local and world missions. OUR MOTTO LOVING God LovING People ChangING The World GOT Questions? office@grac eduarte. com
- Grace Fellowship | Duarte Blood Drive
Join us Thursday, September 17th for our in-person, on-campus blood drive to support the American Red Cross. Appointments are required. Give Blood! What a better way to serve our community here in Duarte than to help replenish the blood supply. The Red Cross is a critical player when it comes to the medical blood supply in the San Gabriel Valley. Please register for a spot ASAP as time slots are limited. NOTE: Make sure to scroll down to Grace Fellowship in Duarte so you don't end up registering for a different drive. REGISTER HERE
- WATCH LIVE | gracefellowhsip
WATCH LIVE If you're unable to join us in-person on a Sunday morning, you can join us online, in real-time or any time after our 2nd service goes live. Sundays at 11:00 am Let's do this! WATCH LATER Ok, so you had to miss on Sunday...have no fear! You can go back and watch our Sunday morning worship services in the Archives. Real Power (Mark 1:40-2:13) | Pastor Doug Spriggs | Grace Fellowship Play Video Grace Fellowship LIVE Worship Service | February 16th, 2025 Play Video Grace Fellowship Worldview Class | Session 4 Play Video Answering Worldview Questions - part 2 Play Video Power, Prayer & Priorities (Mark 1:21-39) | Pastor Doug Spriggs | Grace Fellowship Play Video Grace Fellowship LIVE Worship Service | February 9th, 2025 Play Video Grace Fellowship Worldview Class | Session 3 Play Video Answering Worldview Questions - part 1 Play Video Grace Fellowship | Duarte, CA Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Close
- Easter 2019 | Easter Sunday at Grace Fellowship in Duarte, CA
We have events on Good Friday and Easter Sunday! Come out and join us! Join us at 6:30 pm for a time of extended worship and a brief message from Pastor Doug Spriggs as we worship and reflect on Christ's love for us displayed through His crucifixion. Easter Sunday is our favorite day of the year! We will have our 2 regularly scheduled worship services as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection! Then we will have a massive Easter Egg hunt between the services at 10:15am. Be sure to arrive early so you can find parking and register for the Easter Egg Hunt!
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT STAFF WHAT TO EXPECT NOTE: KIDS CONNECTION IS NOW AVAILABLE IN BOTH SERVICES Service Times: 9:15 am & 11:00am Click here for our location. We have two worship services. The first service starts promptly at 9:15am and the second service at 11:00am. Both services are roughly an hour. Most people dress casually and comfortably. Children 6 weeks to 3 years are provided nursery care in both services and that is available as early as 9:00am. During both services we have Kid's Connection for Children 4 years to 6th grade; they stay in the service through worship and are dismissed to Kids' Connection before the sermon. Between services we invite you to join us for refreshments on the Patio behind our Worship Center. We look forward to meeting you and worshiping God together!
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
Around The Web Facebook - /gracefellowshipduarte Stay up-to-date with all that's going on at Grace Fellowship. Head on over to our facebook and "like" our page. Instagram - @gracefellowshipduarte Everyone once in a while we'll post something exclusively to Instagram, so you'll want to follow us there. too. Twitter - @GFChurchDuarte Twitter is yet another avenue for exclusive content. If you're on twitter. You've got to follow us. YouTube - /GraceFellowshipDotCom More and more we are using Video as a means to connect and give a picture as to what life is like here at Grace Fellowship GF Sports Facebook - /GFSports Our Grace Fellowship Sports Ministry has there own facebook page. Here you can view photos and videos, as well as get updates on the schedule changes and game outcomes. Facebook Feed
- EASTER WEEK VIDEOS | gracefellowhsip
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT LEADERSHIP THE BIBLE We believe that the Bible is the word of God, supernaturally inspired, so that it is inerrant in the original manuscripts and preserved by God in its verbal, complete inspiration, so that it is the divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life. THE TRINITY We believe that the Godhead exists eternally in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and that these three are one God. THE CREATOR We believe in God as absolute and sole creator of the universe, and that creation was by divine fiat. Man is created in the likeness of God, apart from any evolutionary process. HE CAME We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to save sinners. All people are sinners who fall short of the glory of God. HE LIVES We believe that Jesus Christ, in the flesh, was both God and man, that He was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life, in which He taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as revealed in the four Gospels, that He was crucified, died as a penalty for our sins and was raised from the dead, bodily, on the third day. Later, He ascended to the Father's right hand where He is head of the church and intercedes for believers, and from whence He is coming again personally, bodily, visibly to this earth to set up His millennial kingdom. HE SAVED We believe that since His death, by His shed blood, the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfect atonement for sin, redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us - men are saved, justified, on the simple and single ground of the shed blood. SALVATION We believe that such salvation with its forgiveness of sins, its impartation of a new nature and its hope of eternal life is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership or man's effort and is of pure grace. SECURITY We believe that a true believer is eternally secure and that he cannot lose his salvation, but that sin may interrupt the joy of his fellowship with God and bring the loving discipline of his Heavenly Father. HEAVEN We believe that all who receive Christ become joint heirs with Christ and at death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the rapture their bodies will be raised to the likeness of the body of His glory and dwell forever in His divine presence. SPIRITUAL GROWTH We believe that it is the goal of every Christian to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and the indwelling Spirit, as evidenced by the Lordship of Jesus Christ. HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, is God, and possesses all the divine attributes. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals all believers at the moment of their salvation, and fills them in response to confession of sin and yieldedness. Click Here to read our Mission Statement
- RESOURCES | gracefellowhsip
These tools are provided by Grace Fellowship in order to help you live a life that is honoring to God. These tools can help you grow in your walk with the Lord and can help you in your daily life. These tools can even help you fellowship and have community with others here at Grace Fellowship. THE church center app The Church Center App is an app that will allow you to connect with Grace Fellowship, give instantly, find groups and bible studies and register for events. You can also maintain and update your personal information so that we always have your most current info. right now media EQUIP FAMILIES | RESOURCE GROUPS | DEVELOP LEADERS. "RightNow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies" 10,000+ Bible Study Videos. Instantly stream biblical teaching to your home TV, computer or your mobile device. Best of all...it's gree! We're footing the bill for you! CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP! (IT'S FREE!) GRACE FELLOWSHIP | FAMILY Our Grace Fellowship | Family group on Facebook was implemented in hopes of creating an online community where members regular attendees of Grace Fellowship can interact, support and connect with one another in various ways. facebook.com/groups/GraceFellowshipFamily RESOURCES Check out these tools to help with your daily walk. church center app rightnow media Grace Fellowship | Family
- GIVING | Easily give your tithes and offerings online
IMPACT LIVES FOR ETERNITY. Our online giving is simple and secure. Click Give Now to make a single gift or schedule recurring giving using your bank account, debit or credit card. GIVE NOW THE EASIEST AND QUICKEST WAY TO GIVE IS THROUGH THE CHURCH CENTER APP All donations to Grace Fellowship are 1 00% Tax Deductible. Thank you for your generosity! The mission and vision of Grace Fellowship is directly funded by the generosity of people like you. We exist so that all people can find new life in Christ and we would love for you to join us in that mission. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and accountability so that you have full confidence in the financial integrity of Grace Fellowship. Benefits of Giving Online Give quickly and simply Set up recurring gifts Securely save your card info Easily track and adjust your giving Give By Mail You can also give by check or money order by mailing to: Grace Fellowship 1551 E Huntington Dr Duarte, CA 91010 Financial Reports Detailed financial reports are available. Questio ns About Giving For questions regarding finances, contact us at giving@graceduarte.com
- Grace Fellowship Church | Duarte, CA
WHAT WE BELIEVE MISSION STATEMENT STAFF WHAT TO EXPECT THE BIBLE We believe that the Bible is the word of God, supernaturally inspired, so that it is inerrant in the original manuscripts and preserved by God in its verbal, complete inspiration, so that it is the divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life. THE TRINITY We believe that the Godhead exists eternally in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and that these three are one God. THE CREATOR We believe in God as absolute and sole creator of the universe, and that creation was by divine fiat. Man is created in the likeness of God, apart from any evolutionary process. HE CAME We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to save sinners. All people are sinners who fall short of the glory of God. HE LIVES We believe that Jesus Christ, in the flesh, was both God and man, that He was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life, in which He taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as revealed in the four Gospels, that He was crucified, died as a penalty for our sins and was raised from the dead, bodily, on the third day. Later, He ascended to the Father's right hand where He is head of the church and intercedes for believers, and from whence He is coming again personally, bodily, visibly to this earth to set up His millennial kingdom. HE SAVED We believe that since His death, by His shed blood, the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfect atonement for sin, redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us - men are saved, justified, on the simple and single ground of the shed blood. SALVATION We believe that such salvation with its forgiveness of sins, its impartation of a new nature and its hope of eternal life is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership or man's effort and is of pure grace. SECURITY We believe that a true believer is eternally secure and that he cannot lose his salvation, but that sin may interrupt the joy of his fellowship with God and bring the loving discipline of his Heavenly Father. HEAVEN We believe that all who receive Christ become joint heirs with Christ and at death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the rapture their bodies will be raised to the likeness of the body of His glory and dwell forever in His divine presence. SPIRITUAL GROWTH We believe that it is the goal of every Christian to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and the indwelling Spirit, as evidenced by the Lordship of Jesus Christ. HOLY SPIRIT We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, is God, and possesses all the divine attributes. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals all believers at the moment of their salvation, and fills them in response to confession of sin and yieldedness. Click Here to read our Mission Statement